Introducing an easy and beautiful way to enjoy healthy Organic Sirtfood Herbs all year round!
1. Decide what you will use, such as a glass bottle, mason jar or drinking glass for growing your Organic Sirtfood Herbs.
2. Dip a paper towel in alcohol or use an alcohol wipe to sterilize a knife or scissors.
3. Cut newer growth approximately 6 inches down from the top of each Organic Sirtfood Herb. It is harder to root a strong, older stem.
4. Fill bottle, jar or glass 2/3 of the way full with spring water that has a minimal amount of minerals.
5. Submerge the bottom portion of each Organic Sirtfood Herb in water and place in a sunny spot with good circulation.
6. Change the spring water a minimum of once per week.
7. As you cut off the herbs to use, new growth will grow and you should have a steady supply year round. Enjoy!